Monday, March 25, 2013

Hop to it -Marshmallow Bunnies -

In my opinion, the most awsomest MARSHMALLOW recipe for EASTER BUNNIES.
These cute edible critters have been doing the rounds in my family since I was a little un and they still bring a smile and a big "Yes Please" when offered to family and friends over the Easter long weekend.
You still have time to have a go.
This makes 4 middle sized bunnies and 18 -24 baby bunnies.  Any left over marshmallow can be poured into an oiled container, cut into squares and rolled in coconut.
Here we go:
Place 2 cups sugar and two tablespoons gelatin in a saucepan and mix together well.
   -I found this disperses the gelatin evenly and stops it from clumping.
Add 1 1/2 cup hot water.
Simmer for 5 minutes - do not stir
Boil for 5 minutes - do not stir
Take off the heat and let cool. This is when I usually tip the marshmallow into a big glass bowl. 

   -Don't let this mixture go cold as it doesn't whip up as much.
   - If it is too hot it takes FOREVER to whip up but it still work either way.
Place Bunnie moulds on a baking tray and lightly spray the inside of the moulds with oil.  I usually turn the mould upside down for a bit so any excess spray runs out.
Add  1 teaspoon coconut essence and beat using electric beater until white and frothy.  It will thicken but it still needs to be fluid, not chunky.
Spoon marshmallow into bunny moulds, give the mould a tap on the bench to move air bubbles out of the ears and head before you pop your little bouncing friends in the fridge to set - maybe 1/2- 1 hour.
The best way to get the bunny out of the mould and not mangle its cute little face is to stick your finger up its .....rear, and it will just pop out... (lol) with ears in tact.
Paint the ears with pink (or other) food colouring using a cotton tip and roll in coconut.
- Dry roasted coconut tastes amazing too and doesn't take much time at all.
Pack up in air safe containers and bunnies stay fresh for at least a week.
These are great gifts for family or friends. 
So get hopping..... and don't forget to let me know how you go!!


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